Government approves plan for retailers to switch to accepting non-cash payments

16 August 2022, 05:21 PM

All retail outlets are to be equipped with the means to accept non-cash payments by the beginning of 2026, Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 894 of July 29 states.

Retailers’ transition to the mandatory acceptance of non-cash payments is scheduled to take place in phases from 2023 to 2026.

The Cabinet of Ministers decided that retailers are obliged to make sure that non-cash payments (including using electronic means of payment, apps or devices), including remote selling are possible:

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- starting January 1, 2023 at all merchants operating in towns with a population of more than

25,000 people (the exception for trade enterprises with an area of up to 20 square meters has been cancelled);

- starting January 1, 2024 at all merchants in towns with a population of 5,000 to 25,000 people;

- starting January 1, 2025 at all merchants in towns with a population of up to 5,000 people.

All these changes will not affect: individual entrepreneurs in the first group working under the

single tax rate; merchants who sell through vending machines or engage in mobile sales;

merchants of hand-grown or reared products. For these groups, the deadline for accepting non-cash payments is set at January 1, 2026.

None of the above requirements apply to merchants in areas of hostilities or in territories under temporary occupation (encirclement, blockade).

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