Israel to stop benefit payments to Ukrainians who fled the war

14 January 2023, 12:13 PM

The Israeli government's decree for monthly benefits to Ukrainians who fled the war is expired in February and the Aliyah and Integration Ministry does not intend to renew it, Israeli outlet Haaretz reported on Jan. 13.

Also, the payments weren't fully paid out in December due to a shortfall of about $5.9 million in funding, the outlet wrote.

The payments will be terminated in February.

Since from February, 2022, a total of up to 24,000 refugees have received at least one monthly benefit of the so-called “adjustment grant.”

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Next month, about 26,000 current receivers won't get their payments.

The other benefits the Israeli government established in April for Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians who were forced to flee their countries without their belongings will fizzle out in the coming months as well.

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