SBI suspects former Territorial Defense Commander of illegal payments to wife

16 January, 01:38 PM
Former Brigadier General provided his wife with illegal payments allegedly for participation in battles at the front (Photo: SBI)

Former Brigadier General provided his wife with illegal payments allegedly for participation in battles at the front (Photo: SBI)

A former commander of a Territorial Defense Forces brigade is suspected of providing increased 'combat' payments to his wife, the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) reported on Jan. 16.

The investigation found that in July 2023, the brigade commander placed his wife in his brigade as a rifleman to secure increased pay for her.

The couple divorced to comply with legal requirements but remained in a domestic relationship.

Two subordinates, commanders under his command, were involved in the scheme, forging documents to falsely report the woman’s participation in combat operations.


Photo: SBI

Between July 2023 and April 2024, she unlawfully received over 922,000 UAH in payments.

In reality, the woman served alongside her husband and was engaged in horse breeding at a specialized farm. She also spent two weeks in Poland, leaving the military unit voluntarily.

The State Bureau of Investigation has filed charges of abuse of office (Part 5, Article 191) against the former brigade commander, his wife, and two subordinates.

Photo: SBI

They also face charges of official forgery (Part 2, Article 366), and the woman is suspected of leaving the military unit without permission (Part 5, Article 407).

The charges carry a potential sentence of up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Photo: SBI

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